G2S offers tax services that fit the needs of individuals; businesses; estates and trusts; and more.
Your most asked tax related question … What’s my fair share?
We work through a process together to arrive at the best answer for your situation. This includes a review of deductions, exemptions, credits, education, bonuses, homeowner and business owner issues, support for children, alimony, capital gains, social security, etc. We apply updated knowledge of rules, regulations, changes in tax laws, adjustments in deductions and more as we work it through with you. And we apply the process to special situations like corporations, partnerships, LLC’s, estates and trusts.
We have invested heavily in software in order to efficiently prepare and file returns anywhere in the United States and even beyond.
In addition, we do not outsource our tax preparation to other countries, like India, or even to other companies! It’s another way we protect your privacy.
When you work with G2S, PC you can feel confident that you will be guided through this important process as painlessly as possible.